Nursing in the 21st century is more complex than ever before. 这种护理的复杂性要求注册护士(RNs)具备卫生政策方面的知识和能力, 系统改进, 研究, 循证实践, 团队合作, 协作, 复杂决策, 和领导能力. 没有比获得护理学学士学位更好的进入医疗保健领域的方法了.
康考迪亚大学欧文分校的护理预科辅修课程将为您获得护理学学士学位提供教育基础. Through this unique undergraduate track, you will be able to earn a 生物学学士学位 有护理预科辅修课程,并有资格参加 护理学加速学士学位 (ABSN)项目. Both degrees can be completed in as little as 5 years.
对这一选择感兴趣的未来学生需要作为本科生申请康考迪亚大学,并宣布护理预科辅修课程. 在学生大四的时候, each eligible student must then apply and be formally admitted into the ABSN program.
I feel very fortunate to have been given the 学习 opportunities at Concordia. 这段经历不仅具有挑战性, 彻底的, 也为我今天当护士做了准备, 但 the instructors made a huge impact on me and helped shape me into the nurse that I wanted to be.
切尔西R. 队列的21
我们的ABSN项目, 由加州注册护士委员会(BRN)批准,并由大学护理教育委员会(CCNE)*认可, 医院和医疗保健系统的领导是否高度重视培养关怀和富有同情心的护士. 在节目结束时, students are eligible to sit for the nursing state board exam to earn their RN license.
As a Pre-Nursing student, you can apply to our ABSN program during your senior year. 这门辅修课程旨在帮助你在短短5年内达到获得护理学学士学位的所有要求, 但 不保证被ABSN项目录取. 当你完成护理预科课程时, 请注意以下入场须知, 应用程序需求, 和一般 成功申请者简介 过去:
Recognizing that nursing is both an art and a science, Concordia’s 护理程序 embraces the 发展 of the individual through both liberal studies and scientific preparation. 护理的目标是把每个人看作是一个独特的创造的身体和精神存在,有个人的需求,这是最关心的职业.
By completing the Pre-Nursing minor and choosing the electives below within the 生物学专业文学学士, you will have met all of the prerequisite requirements for the ABSN program. 你的学术顾问可以与你一起工作,以确保你完成所有必要的课程要求.
本课程将探讨与健康和营养研究有关的问题,并通过说明当前营养文献中研究和临床研究的重要性来分析概念和争议. 学生还将研究和讨论有关营养在整体健康和健康生活方式中的作用的关键概念. 先决条件:生物101和大二的成绩.
Concepts and principles pertinent to 心理 流程 of 社会 behavior, 发展, 动机, 感觉, 感知, 认知与记忆, 学习, 个性, 心理障碍及其治疗, as well as the biological perspective will be examined in this course.
This course will focus on the 发展 and change through the human life-span including childhood, 青春期, 成年, 和衰老. 物理, 社会, 交际, 情感, 认知问题将与每个发展阶段的预期里程碑一起涵盖,同时关注每个人独特的多方面生理, 心理, 社会学, 精神层面.
本课程将分析从非正式环境到组织环境中人与人之间的交际行为,探讨诸如吸引力等主题, 信任, 语言, 非语言行为.
在这门课程中,学生将练习研究方法和各种写作策略,如叙述, 描述, 博览会, 论证, 培养批判性思考者的技能, 读者, 作家通过研究, 阅读, 写作, 还有作家工作坊. 必须以C或更高的成绩完成.
在这门课程中,学生将通过阅读来自不同作者的精选作品来探索文章的美学范围,而不仅仅是作为分析对象来研究它们, 但 also as models for stylistic experiments as students practice the art of the essay. 根据SAT或ACT成绩安排新生.
了解世界上不同的文化, from preliterate societies to modern technological societies, 这门课的重点是什么, and will include mankind's universal as well as adaptive dimensions; and the examination of socioeconomic, 政治, 宗教, and physical environmental factors that relate to the values and lifestyles of various peoples.
This course will analyze the topics of 社会ization; 社会 interaction, 的关系, 异常, 控制, 机构, 流程, and change; family and educational problems; child abuse; crime and delinquency; and drug, 酒精, 还有烟草滥用.
First of a two-semester sequence in human anatomy and 生理学. Topics include the structure and function of cells, 组织, 还有肠膜, 骨骼, 肌肉发达的, 神经系统. 介绍常见的人类疾病过程. 重点是系统之间的相互关系和调节的生理功能参与维持体内平衡. 实验室部分包括使用显微镜和解剖的解剖研究,以及通过实验研究生理概念. 实验时间包含在课程表中. 需要付实验室费用. Prerequisite: C- or better in BIO 111 or consent of instructor. 每年提供一次(秋季学期).
Second of a two-semester sequence in human anatomy and 生理学. 主题包括内分泌, 心血管, 淋巴/免疫, 呼吸, 消化, 尿, 生殖系统. 介绍常见的人类疾病过程. 重点是系统之间的相互关系和调节的生理功能参与维持体内平衡. 实验室部分包括使用显微镜和解剖的解剖研究,以及通过实验研究生理概念. 实验时间包含在课程表中. 需要付实验室费用. Prerequisites: C- or better in BIO 111 and BIO 246 or consent of instructor. 每年提供一次(春季学期).
本课程将介绍形态学, 生理学, and ecological and medical importance of microorganisms (focusing on viruses, 细菌, 模具, 和酵母), with a strong focus on the molecular basis of physiological 流程. 实验课程将强调文化, 生理学, and identification of the major groups of microbes. 实验时间包含在课程表中. 需要付实验室费用. 先决条件:C-或更好的(生物101或生物111或CBIO 101)和(CHE 101或CHE 221或SCI 115)或教师同意. 通常每年提供(秋季学期).
本课程将介绍解释生物数据所需的统计分析概念和方法,包括计算方法和生物解释的实践经验,而不是统计理论. 电脑室的时间包括在课程表内. Prerequisite: C- or better in BIO 111 or consent of instructor. 通常每年提供(秋季学期).
当前的学生, 请注意:这里列出的要求可能不反映该辅修课程的最新课程,也可能不是您要完成辅修课程的目录年的要求. 请参阅 学术目录 对于官方要求,你必须符合资格.
ABSN项目的选择标准之一是医疗保健志愿者的经历,说明关心和同情他人. 在肯考迪娅, you will find a community of students who are actively engaged in local and global service, as well as opportunities to connect with other nurses through our 加州护理学生协会 (CNSA)和我们的护理校友会.
康科迪亚的生物系热衷于帮助您实现医疗保健领域的专业目标. You are invited to make an appointment with Medical Science Program Director, 教授. 斯科特·盖恩斯, to discuss your opportunities in the medical sciences.
盖恩斯教授以B的成绩毕业.S. in 生物学 from the University of California, Irvine and earned his M.S. 《正规赌博十大平台排行》A.我在亚利桑那州的T Still大学. 来协和女神之前, 教授essor 盖恩斯 worked as an educator for health and fitness professionals for over 20 years. 他是一名作家和全国演讲家,主题广泛,如生物力学和基于心血管的程序设计. 教授essor 盖恩斯 also has a special interest in innovative teaching techniques, is the faculty advisor for the CUI chapter of the International Medical Fraternity, 是他目前正在攻读博士学位.D. 科学教育.
Dr. von dem Bussche graduated from the University of California at Berkeley with a B.S. in Molecular and Cell 生物学, with an emphasis in Neurobiology, and a minor in Spanish. She obtained her doctorate in the Neurosciences from the University of California at San Diego. Her 研究 focused on 学习 and memory in the adult mammalian cortex. Dr. von dem Bussche在Concordia大学教授生物学入门课程,并被生物科学如何揭示上帝的创造所驱使.
Concordia has an excellent reputation and relationship with the hospitals in the area. I interviewed with a hospital who told us they adjusted their hiring process just to include our cohort.
Karen M. ’21
For more information about the Pre-Nursing minor 在欧文的康考迪亚大学, 我们邀请您直接与我们联系.
的母鸡哈利姆 招生处副处长 (电子邮件保护) (949) 214-3025
请提供您的联系方式, and one of our admissions counselors will be happy to send you more information about our programs.
Attend an information meeting online or face-to-face. We will discuss the application process, financial aid, payment plans, and more.
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你准备好开始了吗? 我们的在线申请是全天候可用的. Begin your journey now and hear from a counselor once you finish.
*The baccalaureate degree program in nursing 在欧文的康考迪亚大学 is accredited by the 大学护理教育委员会, 655 K Street NW, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20001, 202-887-6791.
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